Wednesday, October 28th, 2020in this covid 19 dominated year i was really happy that my workshop “landscape photography in autumn in the swabian jura” took place. we had a fabulous warm light and a wonderful hiking tour.
in this covid 19 dominated year i was really happy that my workshop “landscape photography in autumn in the swabian jura” took place. we had a fabulous warm light and a wonderful hiking tour.
it was the fifth time that i was teaching my workshop technical camera and architectural photography at the wifi innsbruck, and i have been travelling nearly a hundred times to innsbruck, where i once lived, but it was the first time that i had a special permit to enter my homeland austria. in times of covid 19 it is not that easy to travel in europe…nobody ever thought that something like this could happen. i was really happy, that my workshop took place with these fabulous participants!
if you are interested in learning photography, just have a look at my brandnew website where you can find a lot of different workshops i will give