Saturday, December 15th, 2018if you are interested in learning photography, just have a look at my brandnew website www.victorbrigola-workshop.de where you can find a lot of different workshops i will give
if you are interested in learning photography, just have a look at my brandnew website www.victorbrigola-workshop.de where you can find a lot of different workshops i will give
Tags:ArcaSwiss, Fuji X-Pro 2, Hasselblad, Large Format Camera, Photography, SchneiderKreuznach, Teaching, View Camera, Workshop
Posted in Architecture, Editorial, Interior, Landscape, People, Travel, Ungeklärte Fälle | Comments Closed
Tags:Hasselblad, Phase One, Studio
Posted in Travel, Ungeklärte Fälle | Comments Closed
Victor S. Brigola
Eisestrasse 5
70567 Stuttgart
+49 711 90 11 60 61
+49 171 20 51 56 3
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