Gian Paolo e Marco
Thursday, September 23rd, 2021the new place to be in stuttgart. the bar called “gian paolo e marco” with pink tiles and carrara marble.
the new place to be in stuttgart. the bar called “gian paolo e marco” with pink tiles and carrara marble.
Tags:ArcaSwiss, ArcaSwiss Rm3di, Bar, Carrara, Europe, Fuji GFX R, Fujifilm, Large Format Camera, Marble, Pink, Stuttgart
Posted in Architecture, Editorial, Interior, Ungeklärte Fälle | Comments Closed
Tags:Bar, Berlin, Europe, Germany, Large Format Camera, Phase One
Posted in Architecture, Ungeklärte Fälle | Comments Closed
Victor S. Brigola
Eisestrasse 5
70567 Stuttgart
+49 711 90 11 60 61
+49 171 20 51 56 3
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