Posts Tagged ‘Europe’

Book Release “One Day In Germany”

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

the book of the project with “” called “1 tag deutschland, 07. mai 2010″ is now published. have a look pages 132/133.

Berlin – Day Of The Open Monument

Sunday, September 12th, 2010



IFA 2010 Berlin

Monday, September 6th, 2010

everybody’s talking about

Shooting For Roland Berger Stiftung

Friday, August 20th, 2010

sailing in the rainy baltic sea

Another Little Exhibition

Friday, July 16th, 2010

some pictures of my project “bauzug am nordbahnhof” are shown for some days, from 14th until 19th of july, at the university of stuttgart, faculty architecture

Editorial A&W Architektur & Wohnen 4/10

Monday, July 5th, 2010

another private house which i photographed for “philipp architects” now published in the actual issue 4/10 of “architektur & wohnen”, pages 86 – 91

Living Inside Out

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

this is a private house which i photographed for “philipp architects” now published in the new book “wohnen zwischen drinnen und draussen” / “living inside out”, pages 26 – 29


Friday, June 11th, 2010

…the worldcup is with us…

Berlin III

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

a few days ago at rosenthaler platz

One Day In Germany; 07-May-2010

Friday, May 7th, 2010

this morning, somewhere in the eastern german outback. i took this picture for a project with “” called “1 tag deutschland, 07. mai 2010”

The Whitest Clouds Alive

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

…they seem so soft…are they?

Berlin II

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

i think today spring came to berlin

Hotel “Hold On” ?

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

yesterday, when i was driving from stuttgart to berlin i had a little moment thinking if i should sleep one night in there…unbelievable pricing!

Berlin I

Saturday, March 27th, 2010

i really love those countless construction sites in berlin

CeBIT 2010 Hannover

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

documentation of the stand of fraunhofer gesellschaft